Baptistery of the Cathedral Baptistery of the Cathedral  详细信息
位置:意大利>威尼托>帕多瓦景点>> 热度(606)     评分(3.5)

Baptistery of the Cathedral Baptistery of the Cathedral


提示:地址:Piazza del Duomo, 35141 Padua, Italy 电话: 39 (049) 656914


1 Museum of the History of Physics Museum of the History of Physics (639)

2 Museum of Machines "Enrico Bernardi" Museum of Machines "Enrico Bernardi" (684)

3 Zoological Museum Zoological Museum (631)

4 Basilica Della Madonna Delle Grazie Basilica Della Madonna Delle Grazie (635)

5 Botanical Museum Botanical Museum (643)

6 Cava Museo Fantiscritti Cava Museo Fantiscritti (676)

7 Capitolo Di Santa Maria Della Carita' Capitolo Di Santa Maria Della Carita' (613)

8 Museum of Geology and Palaeontology Museum of Geology and Palaeontology (619)

9 Esapolis - Il Museo degli insetti Esapolis - Il Museo degli insetti (602)

10 Monument to Gattamelata Monument to Gattamelata (626)

11 Museum of Anthropology Museum of Anthropology (618)

12 Zuckermann Palace Zuckermann Palace (694)

13 Amusement Park Amusement Park (657)

14 Chiesa di Santa Maria dei Servi Chiesa di Santa Maria dei Servi (631)

15 Arena Romana Arena Romana (650)

16 Camogli - San Rocco - Batterie - San Fruttuoso Trail Camogli - San Rocco - Batterie - San Fruttuoso Trail (577)

17 Parco Archeologico e Museo di Sibari Parco Archeologico e Museo di Sibari (663)

18 MUST Museo del Territorio Vimercatese MUST Museo del Territorio Vimercatese (618)

19 Chiesa San Nicolò di Capodimonte Saint Nicolo of Capodimonte Church (594)

20 Speck Museum Speckworld Speck Museum Speckworld (594)

21 Church and Museum of St. Prokulus Church and Museum of St. Prokulus (586)

22 Otzi Rope Park Otzi Rope Park (601)

23 San Domenico Church San Domenico Church (627)

24 Malatestian Castle Malatestian Castle (671)

25 San Bernardino Church San Bernardino Church (667)

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