Grotte La Merveilleuse  详细信息
位置:比利时>The Ardennes>Dinant景点>> 热度(966)     评分(5)

Grotte La Merveilleuse

 Grotte La Merveilleuse    -0
 Grotte La Merveilleuse    -1
 Grotte La Merveilleuse    -2
 Grotte La Merveilleuse    -3


提示:地址:Rue de Philippeville 142,5500 Dinant
游玩时间: 建议30-50分钟
电话: +32 82 22 22 10

4月1日-31日,9月1日-10月31日 周二-周日11:00-16:00;5月1日-6月31日每日10:00-17:00;7月1日-8月31日平日11:00-17:00 周末10:00-18:00;11月1日-3月31日周末和节假日11:00-15:00 每整点开放



1 Océade Océade (917)

2 圣雅各布大教堂 Sint-Jacobskerk (913)

3 法兰德斯战场博物馆 In Flanders Fields Museum (941)

4 University Library & Bell Tower University Library & Bell Tower (938)

5 圣迈克尔大桥 St. Michael's Bridge (999)

6 Saint James Church Saint James Church (928)

7 Reading Between the Lines Church Reading Between the Lines Church (935)

8 Logne Castle Logne Castle (927)

9 Molenmuseum Molenmuseum (885)

10 Gasthuismuseum Gasthuismuseum (846)

11 The Remember Museum The Remember Museum (859)

12 Scheldt Dyke Bicycle Trail Scheldt Dyke Bicycle Trail (842)

13 Customs Officers Bicycle Trail Customs Officers Bicycle Trail (873)

14 Bastogne Ardennes 44 Museum Bastogne Ardennes 44 Museum (884)

15 Bastogne War Museum Bastogne War Museum (817)

16 Mardasson Memorial Mardasson Memorial (812)

17 101 Airborne Museum Le Mess - Bastogne 101 Airborne Museum Le Mess - Bastogne (828)

18 Au Pays d'Ardenne Original Museum Au Pays d'Ardenne Original Museum (835)

19 Sportimonium Sports Museum Sportimonium Sports Museum (792)

20 The Castle of Ooidonk The Castle of Ooidonk (1040)

21 Museum of Deinze and the Leie Region Museum of Deinze and the Leie Region (866)

22 Beacons of Art Along the Leie River Bicycle Trail Beacons of Art Along the Leie River Bicycle Trail (790)

23 Masons' Guild Hall Masons' Guild Hall (827)

24 Geeraard de Duivelsteen (The Castle of Gerald the Devil) Geeraard de Duivelsteen (The Castle of Gerald the Devil) (840)

25 Gent-Sint-Pieters Railway Station Gent-Sint-Pieters Railway Station (761)

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