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Layag-Layag是位于Caban岛西北角的潜水点,这里生物繁多,多刺的叶鱼、壮硕的杨枝鱼、罕见的虾虎鱼、觅食的珊瑚鱼等等,可谓景像万千,在夜晚更是可以看到万紫千红、体态各异的裸腮类生物,最出名的应该是一种叫Spanish Dancer的大型海兔。 这个潜水点的斜坡虽然陡峭但比较短,能见度通常也十分不错,约10-15米。涨潮、退潮的时候洋流很强烈,但对经验丰富的潜水者来说也是非常棒的潜水时间,常能看到远洋来的大鱼群。 另外,这里也是浮潜的好地方,大片的浅水区分布着各种鹿角珊瑚,有时还能见到海蛇、绿海龟、鱿鱼和各种海洋软体生物。
1 Divisoria Market Divisoria Market (909)
2 Si-Kat Bus and Ferry Si-Kat Bus and Ferry (971)
3 萨马尔岛 Samal Island (975)
4 探索酒店TERRA Spa TERRA Spa (921)
5 马蒂纳城市广场 Matina Town Square (965)
6 Twin Lakes of Balinsasayao & Danao Twin Lakes of Balinsasayao & Danao (922)
7 Malatapay Market Malatapay Market (798)
8 Casaroro Falls Casaroro Falls (792)
9 St Catherine of Alexandria Cathedral St Catherine of Alexandria Cathedral (833)
10 Pulangbato Falls Pulangbato Falls (789)
11 Malagos花园度假村 Malagos Garden Resort (809)
12 People's park People's park (756)
13 西利曼大学鲸骨博物馆 Silliman University Whale Bone Museum (805)
14 杜马盖地海滨大道 Rizal Boulevard (755)
15 道因 Dauin (732)
16 沉海公墓十字架 The Sunken Cemetery (841)
17 阿登特温泉 Ardent Hot Spring (796)
18 歌图岛 Gato Island (774)
19 巧克力岛 Chocolate Island (814)
20 卡内萨岛 Carnasa Island (831)
21 天空牧场 (840)
22 Center for Tropical Studies (CENTROP) Center for Tropical Studies (CENTROP) (790)
23 科瑞岛 Cowrie Island (801)
24 杜马盖地钟楼 The Campanario de Dumaguete (806)
25 Davao Baywalk (Seawalk) Davao Baywalk (Seawalk) (788)