希路德根岛又名CoCo Island,因满岛布满椰树而得名。从麦丹岛的迈莉芭哥码头前往约30-45分钟,是非常适合全家人一起探索潜水乐趣的海岛,四周全是平缓浅滩,在岛的西岸规划为海洋生态保护区,不准钓鱼或采摘珊瑚,海洋生态的孕育受到充分的保护,海底景观一片欣欣向荣。浮潜时,可以欣赏各式各样的七彩珊瑚(软、硬珊瑚)、珊瑚礁的鱼群如小丑鱼、无脊椎动物(海星、海参),海深只有2至3米,是浮潜的最理想地点。岛上只有一家白色小屋式雅致的小型酒店旅馆“Island & Sun Beach Resort”,房间不多,只有25间,非常幽静。
1 苏比克野生动物园 Zoobic Safari (872)
2 Tan-awan小镇 Tan-awan (824)
3 西利曼大学人类学博物馆 Silliman University Anthropology Museum (910)
4 巴拉望野生生物救助和保护中心 Palawan Wildlife Rescue and Consevation Center (767)
5 菲律宾国际会议中心 Philippine International Convention Center (1089)
6 菲律宾大学 University of the Philippines Manila (895)
7 菲律宾老鹰和自然研究中心 Philippine Eagle Research and Nature Center (1740)
8 济州Trickeye特丽爱雪之城 Trick Eye Ice Museum (993)
9 Guri Tower (944)
10 63空中美术馆 63SKYART (937)
11 Amore Pacific Museum of Art (935)
12 Hankuk Art Museum (953)
13 Children's Grand Park Children's Grand Park (962)
14 Junsang's house (Location for Winter Sonata) Junsang's house (Location for Winter Sonata) (954)
15 Fireman Fireman (943)
16 The Bungalow The Bungalow (948)
17 Silloam Bulgama Sauna Silloam Bulgama Sauna (969)
18 No Escape No Escape (990)
19 Hi Seoul Festival Hi Seoul Festival (952)
20 弘大乱打剧场 Hongdae NANTA Theatre (1039)
21 Janet's Cooking Studio & Seoul Food Tour Janet's Cooking Studio & Seoul Food Tour (979)
22 MySeoulTrip - Seoul Private Tour MySeoulTrip - Seoul Private Tour (999)
23 Korea Culture House (KOUS) Korea Culture House (KOUS) (1024)
24 崇实大学 Sungsil University (1107)
25 枫岩水池 Pungam Reservoir (942)