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1 首尔奥林匹克美术馆 Seoul Olympic Misulgwan (698)
2 Korea Alpine Museum Korea Alpine Museum (729)
3 世界珠宝博物馆 World Jewellery Museum (696)
4 Seangmyeong Gwahak Cheheom Bakmulgwan Seangmyeong Gwahak Cheheom Bakmulgwan (737)
5 Hello Museum Hello Museum (721)
6 和平博物馆 Peace Museum (721)
7 木偶博物馆 Kokdu Museum (718)
8 Myeongin Museum Myeongin Museum (706)
9 江南旅游咨询中心 Gangnam Tourist Information Center (660)
10 Heojun Museum Heojun Museum (670)
11 新韩银行博物馆 Shinhan Museum (748)
12 玩具博物馆 Toykino (726)
13 Yoogeum Museum Yoogeum Museum (673)
14 Sangwon Museum of Art Sangwon Museum of Art (661)
15 POSCO Art Museum POSCO Art Museum (620)
16 Mokin Museum Mokin Museum (680)
17 东庙 Dongmyo (Eastern Shrine) (686)
18 首尔大学艺术博物馆 Museum of Art, Seoul National University (685)
19 Hakgojae Gallery Hakgojae Gallery (968)
20 湖林博物馆(新林本馆) Horim Museum Sillim (714)
21 Hwabong Gallery Hwabong Gallery (651)
22 Jejuyo Ceramic Culture Museum Jejuyo Ceramic Culture Museum (681)
23 Bengdwigul Cave Bengdwigul Cave (698)
24 Kumho Museum of Art Kumho Museum of Art (625)
25 首尔时尚中心 Seoul Fashion Center (689)