Hongjimun Gate and Tangchundaeseong Fortress Hongjimun Gate and Tangchundaeseong Fortress  详细信息
位置:韩国>首尔景点>>> 热度(684)     评分(3)

Hongjimun Gate and Tangchundaeseong Fortress Hongjimun Gate and Tangchundaeseong Fortress


提示:地址:212,Segeomjeong-ro,Jongno-gu, Seoul, South Korea


1 Mongchon Museum of History Mongchon Museum of History (659)

2 Hyehwamun Gate (Honghwamun) Hyehwamun Gate (Honghwamun) (718)

3 Hangaram Art Museum Hangaram Art Museum (732)

4 Rolling Ball Museum Rolling Ball Museum (720)

5 MMCA - National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea Seoul Branch MMCA - National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea Seoul Branch (720)

6 Sookmyung Women's University Museum Sookmyung Women's University Museum (669)

7 Hwang Jin Hyun Museum Hwang Jin Hyun Museum (647)

8 现代设计博物馆 Modern Design Museum (732)

9 K-Pop Music Exhibition Hall K-Pop Music Exhibition Hall (677)

10 国立中央图书馆 The National Library of Korea (706)

11 Musee Shuim Musee Shuim (659)

12 Dong-Lim Knot Museum Dong-Lim Knot Museum (653)

13 The Memorial to the Patriot Yun Bonggil The Memorial to the Patriot Yun Bonggil (721)

14 Hae Chung Gallery Hae Chung Gallery (699)

15 Floating Island Floating Island (656)

16 Jeongneung Royal Tomb Jeongneung Royal Tomb (698)

17 Ultra Architecture Museum Ultra Architecture Museum (668)

18 Brain Factory Brain Factory (711)

19 MMCA - National Museum of Contemporary Art, Deoksugung MMCA - National Museum of Contemporary Art, Deoksugung (681)

20 三星出版博物馆 Samsung Museum of Publication (669)

21 Choonwondang Museum of Korean Medicine Choonwondang Museum of Korean Medicine (676)

22 世界村民俗博物馆 Global Village Folk Museum (699)

23 Uireung Uireung (699)

24 Munmyo Munmyo (659)

25 Jong Ie Nara Paper Art Museum Jong Ie Nara Paper Art Museum (625)

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