1 Yakushi Ai Load 购物区 Yakushi Ai Load Shopping District (661)
2 错觉美术馆 Illusion Museum (672)
3 贺川丰彦纪念 松泽资料馆 Kagawa Archives & Resource Center (704)
4 新大谷美术馆 New Otani Art Museum (768)
5 目黑区美术馆 Meguro Museum of Art (684)
6 国际儿童图书馆 The International Library of Children's Literature (880)
7 Ricoh Imaging Square Shinjuku Ricoh Imaging Square Shinjuku (785)
8 兜神社 Kabuto Shrine (655)
9 阿佐谷神明宫 Asagaya Jinmeigu (645)
10 穴守稲荷神社 Anamori Inari Shrine (669)
11 海福寺 Kaifukuji Temple (734)
12 永代桥 Eitai Bridge (729)
13 亘理当代美术馆 The Watarium Museum of Contemporary Art (678)
14 东乡纪念馆 Togo Memorial Museum (681)
15 精工博物馆 The Seiko Museum (668)
16 松冈美术馆 Matsuoka Museum of Art (777)
17 配件博物馆 Accessory Museum (677)
18 谷中 Yanaka (729)
19 东京广告博物馆 Advertising Museum Tokyo (776)
20 山种美术馆 Yamatane Museum of Art (755)
21 Enshoji Temple Enshoji Temple (659)
22 杉并科学馆 Suginami Science Museum (714)
23 幕张海滨公园 Makuharikaihinkouen (706)
24 阿寒湖夏季展望台 (698)
25 雄阿寒岳 Oakandake (633)