Mahatma Gandhi Statue Mahatma Gandhi Statue  详细信息
位置:美国>华盛顿景点>>> 热度(423)     评分(4)

Mahatma Gandhi Statue Mahatma Gandhi Statue


提示:地址:Q & 21st Street NW, Washington DC, DC 20050 游玩时间: 建议1小时


1 Andalusia Mansion Andalusia Mansion (549)

2 Columbia College Sculpture Garden Columbia College Sculpture Garden (405)

3 Piers Park Piers Park (400)

4 St. Mary of the Lake Parish St. Mary of the Lake Parish (441)

5 Scripps Institute of Oceanography Coastal Reserve Scripps Institute of Oceanography Coastal Reserve (445)

6 Geisel Library Geisel Library (445)

7 BP Pedestrian Bridge BP Pedestrian Bridge (468)

8 Clara Barton's Missing Soldiers Office Museum Clara Barton's Missing Soldiers Office Museum (443)

9 First United Lutheran Church First United Lutheran Church (480)

10 Indian Boundary Park Indian Boundary Park (429)

11 Lakeview Baseball Club Lakeview Baseball Club (513)

12 Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate (442)

13 Elmwood Cemetary Elmwood Cemetary (411)

14 Ella Bailey Park Ella Bailey Park (468)

15 Santa Fe Depot (Union Station) Santa Fe Depot (Union Station) (424)

16 Magnolia Park Magnolia Park (476)

17 Gallaudet University Museum Gallaudet University Museum (421)

18 Commodore Park Commodore Park (399)

19 Cal Anderson Park Cal Anderson Park (414)

20 Lownsdale Square Park Lownsdale Square Park (468)

21 Black Police Precinct and Courthouse Museum Black Police Precinct and Courthouse Museum (414)

22 Wells Fargo History Museum Wells Fargo History Museum (448)

23 奥兰多杜莎夫人蜡像馆 Madame Tussauds Orlando (416)

24 可口可乐奥兰多眼 Coca-Cola Orlando Eye (471)

25 Thomas C. Marsh Military Museum Thomas C. Marsh Military Museum (423)

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