史密斯彩绘玻璃窗博物馆 Smith Museum of Stained Glass Windows  详细信息
位置:美国>伊利诺伊州>芝加哥景点>> 热度(390)     评分(4.7)

史密斯彩绘玻璃窗博物馆 Smith Museum of Stained Glass Windows

 史密斯彩绘玻璃窗博物馆  Smith Museum of Stained Glass Windows   -0


提示:地址:600 East Grand Avenue, Navy Pier, Chicago, IL 60611-3419
电话: (312) 595-7437
官方网站: http://www.navypier.com/things2do/rides_attract/smith_museum.html


1 绿径管理委员会 Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway Conservancy (421)

2 Pritzker Military Museum & Library Pritzker Military Museum & Library (411)

3 Chicago Sports Museum Chicago Sports Museum (383)

4 The Berkeley District The Berkeley District (371)

5 Alfred Caldwell Lily Pool Alfred Caldwell Lily Pool (422)

6 Piazza at Schmidt's Piazza at Schmidt's (450)

7 Flying Leatherneck Museum Flying Leatherneck Museum (459)

8 Shops at Liberty Place (384)

9 Sunny Jim Cave Sunny Jim Cave (457)

10 De la Cruz Collection Contemporary Art Space De la Cruz Collection Contemporary Art Space (413)

11 The McCormick Bridgehouse & Chicago River Museum The McCormick Bridgehouse & Chicago River Museum (414)

12 Mormon Battalion Historic Site Mormon Battalion Historic Site (430)

13 Santa's Enchanted Forest Santa's Enchanted Forest (423)

14 圣地牙哥历史博物馆 San Diego History Center (435)

15 芝加哥郊区柳树溪福音教会 Willow Creek Chicago (420)

16 U.S. Capitol Visitor Center U.S. Capitol Visitor Center (441)

17 Amazing Chicago's Funhouse Maze Amazing Chicago's Funhouse Maze (409)

18 Oregon Holocaust Memorial Oregon Holocaust Memorial (435)

19 国家地理博物馆 National Geographic Museum (480)

20 The Hat Museum The Hat Museum (405)

21 华盛顿会议中心开幕 Walter E. Washington Convention Center (402)

22 Wrigley View Rooftop Wrigley View Rooftop (424)

23 Duwamish Longhouse and Cultural Center Duwamish Longhouse and Cultural Center (400)

24 迈阿密会议中心 Miami Convention Center (409)

25 北部大移民纪念碑 Monument to the Great Northern Migration (393)

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