波士顿自然中心 Boston Nature Center  详细信息
位置:美国>马萨诸塞州>波士顿景点>> 热度(379)     评分(4.3)

波士顿自然中心 Boston Nature Center


提示:地址:500 Walk Hill Street, Boston, MA 02126 电话: 617-983-8500
官方网站: http://www.massaudubon.org/Nature_Connection/Sanctuaries/Boston/index.php

星期日 上午10点00分 - 下午2点30分 星期一 - 星期五 上午9点00分 - 下午5点00分 星期六 上午10点00分 - 下午4点00分


1 奇观岛 Spectacle Island (432)

2 Sewall-Belmont House & Museum Sewall-Belmont House & Museum (444)

3 Boy Scout Memorial Boy Scout Memorial (398)

4 Donald W. Reynolds Center for American Art and Portraiture Donald W. Reynolds Center for American Art and Portraiture (420)

5 Casa De Balboa Casa De Balboa (407)

6 Saint Leonard of Port Maurice Saint Leonard of Port Maurice (382)

7 Senate and House Office Buildings Senate and House Office Buildings (377)

8 圣索菲亚大教堂 Saint Sophia Cathedral (417)

9 Miramar Speed Circuit Miramar Speed Circuit (443)

10 Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium (414)

11 The Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center The Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center (401)

12 威瑞森中心 Verizon Center (410)

13 San Diego Miniature Railroad & Carousel San Diego Miniature Railroad & Carousel (388)

14 圣西亚新特大教堂 St. Hyacinth Basilica (439)

15 Bloomingdale's 家居商场 Bloomingdale's Home + Furniture (439)

16 Kendall大学 Kendall College (410)

17 洛约拉大学艺术博物馆 Loyola University Museum of Art (LUMA) (439)

18 麦克科米克审判自由博物馆 McCormick Freedom Project (414)

19 索莱达山 Mount Soledad (401)

20 Mason Street School Mason Street School (416)

21 University of San Diego USD University of San Diego USD (445)

22 保诚中心 Prudential Center (443)

23 飞翔小子,奥黑尔芝加哥儿童博物馆 Kids on the Fly, Chicago Children's Museum at O'Hare (409)

24 鳄鱼公园 Gator Park (425)

25 林肯总统别墅 President Lincoln's Cottage (439)

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