圣殿堂 House of the Temple  详细信息
位置:美国>华盛顿景点>>> 热度(449)     评分(3.7)

圣殿堂 House of the Temple


提示:地址:1733 16th St NW, Washington DC, DC 20009-3103
电话: 202-232-3579
官方网站: http://scottishrite.org/headquarters/visitors/-a_urlKey.54Kd22998dbe1Keab.html

星期一 - 星期五 上午7点00分 - 下午5点00分


1 大学区 University District (417)

2 Lovejoy Fountain Park Lovejoy Fountain Park (437)

3 National Shrine of St. Rita of Cascia National Shrine of St. Rita of Cascia (391)

4 旧行政办公大楼 Eisenhower Executive Office Building (493)

5 University Temple United Methodist Church University Temple United Methodist Church (414)

6 圣约翰教会 St. John's Church (409)

7 St Paul's Parish St Paul's Parish (421)

8 Shiloh Baptist Church of Washington Shiloh Baptist Church of Washington (403)

9 纽约大道长老会 New York Avenue Presbyterian Church (432)

10 华盛顿县博物馆 Washington County Museum (420)

11 University Unitarian Church University Unitarian Church (544)

12 各各他浸信会教会 Calvary Baptist Church (392)

13 Detroit Public Library Detroit Public Library (392)

14 海军气象天文台 Naval Observatory (423)

15 安德森之家 Anderson House (413)

16 天主圣三堂 Holy Trinity Catholic Church (446)

17 Stephen Girard Collection Stephen Girard Collection (455)

18 华盛顿大学草药园 University of Washington Medicinal Herb Garden (438)

19 African Bead Museum African Bead Museum (445)

20 West Seattle Junction West Seattle Junction (460)

21 Georgetown Station Post Office Georgetown Station Post Office (442)

22 圣母圣衣堂 Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church (402)

23 全国执法人员纪念馆 National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial (387)

24 圣方济修道院 Franciscan Monastery (384)

25 圣达义·葛思佳教堂 St. Stanislaus Kostka Church (415)

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