湾际会展中心 Bayside Expo Center  详细信息
位置:美国>马萨诸塞州>波士顿景点>> 热度(392)     评分(4.2)

湾际会展中心 Bayside Expo Center


提示:地址:200 Mount Vernon St, Boston, MA 02125
电话: 617 474 6000


1 沙漠花园 Desert Garden (420)

2 Boston University Observatory Boston University Observatory (402)

3 普拉瑞街遗迹区 Prairie Avenue Historic District (349)

4 Inez Grant Parker Memorial Rose Garden Inez Grant Parker Memorial Rose Garden (374)

5 哈丽特塔布曼居所 Harriet Tubman House (439)

6 格列斯纳豪斯博物馆 Glessner House Museum (437)

7 Marine Corps Command Museum Marine Corps Command Museum (380)

8 查恩利-佩斯基故居历史博物馆 Charnley-Persky House (467)

9 联合国大厦 United Nations Building (412)

10 老殖民地大厦 Old Colony Building (432)

11 息焉堂 Assumption Church (442)

12 Fort Rosecrans Cemetery Fort Rosecrans Cemetery (403)

13 Point Loma Nazarene College Point Loma Nazarene College (440)

14 Anshe Emet犹太会堂 Anshe Emet Synagogue (457)

15 圣地牙哥华人历史博物馆 San Diego Chinese Historical Museum (411)

16 Marian Koshland Science Museum Marian Koshland Science Museum (401)

17 亚特兰大联邦储备银行 Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta (440)

18 Candler Building Candler Building (418)

19 Little Brewster Island and Lighthouse Little Brewster Island and Lighthouse (379)

20 Hurt Building Hurt Building (435)

21 迈阿密儿童博物馆 Miami Children's Museum (391)

22 熨斗大楼 Flat Iron Building (410)

23 Imagine It! The Children's Museum of Atlanta Imagine It! The Children's Museum of Atlanta (392)

24 波士顿会展中心 Boston Convention & Exhibition Center (451)

25 化学遗产基金会 Chemical Heritage Foundation (412)

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