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第八街是迈阿密一条东西向主街,最东端延伸至海边,街道最热闹的部分位于小哈瓦那,充满了复古的古巴异域风情,街道两侧是特色的古巴餐厅、雪茄店、纪念品小店等。 每年3月萨尔瓦多节会在小哈瓦那的第八街举办,狂欢节上有各种精彩的歌舞表演,风味美食和饮品也不容错过。
1 Frederick Douglass National Historic Site Frederick Douglass National Historic Site (442)
2 Hillwood Museum & Gardens Hillwood Museum & Gardens (381)
3 保罗二世文化中心 Saint John Paul II National Shrine (389)
4 16th Street Mall 16th Street Mall (390)
5 National Museum of the United States Navy National Museum of the United States Navy (429)
6 Spruce Street Footbridge Spruce Street Footbridge (399)
7 托里派因斯州立公园 Torrey Pines State Reserve (449)
8 亨利美术展览馆 Henry Art Gallery (408)
9 愉景新城 Discovery Park (421)
10 历史博物馆 Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company Museum (430)
11 MCA Denver MCA Denver (403)
12 马修斯海滩公园 Matthews Beach Park (428)
13 Carl S. English Botanical Park Carl S. English Botanical Park (434)
14 Detroit Cultural Center HIstoric District Detroit Cultural Center HIstoric District (380)
15 Tudor Place Tudor Place (383)
16 White House Visitors Center White House Visitors Center (391)
17 圣母无玷始胎国家朝圣地圣殿 Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception (396)
18 波士顿交响乐大厅 Boston Symphony Hall (437)
19 飞利浦斯学校 Phillips School (403)
20 阿尔凯沙滩 Alki Beach (520)
21 金园公园 Golden Gardens Park (402)
22 浸信会教堂 Pilgrim Baptist Church (385)
23 《迷情公寓》 Wicker Park (380)
24 爱因斯坦纪念馆 Albert Einstein Memorial (422)
25 达拉斯 West End Historic District (395)