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1 卡帕鲁瓦海滩小径 Kapalua Coastal Trail (372)
2 夏威夷州立美术馆 Hawaii State Art Museum (385)
3 Honolulu's Police Department Museum Honolulu's Police Department Museum (435)
4 Kaupoa Beach Kaupoa Beach (391)
5 Kawakiu Beach Kawakiu Beach (380)
6 Castle Williams Castle Williams (381)
7 罗丝地球环境科学中心 Rose Center for Earth and Space (419)
8 The Broken Kilometer The Broken Kilometer (370)
9 bialystoker犹太教堂 Bialystoker Synagogue (373)
10 贞德纪念碑 Joan of Arc Memorial (407)
11 新闻大楼 Daily News Building (412)
12 Alexander Hamilton Statue Alexander Hamilton Statue (391)
13 水手施洗教堂 Mariners' Temple Baptist Church (370)
14 纽约修道院大街浸信会 Convent Avenue Baptist Church (373)
15 纽约市刑事法庭 New York City Criminal Court (421)
16 国家数学博物馆 National Museum of Mathematics (395)
17 华盛顿广场十九号 No. 19 Washington Square (367)
18 哈密尔顿农庄国家纪念碑 Hamilton Grange National Memorial (430)
19 利华大厦 Lever House (382)
20 库柏联盟大楼 Cooper Union Foundation Building (423)
21 Leslie-Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art Leslie-Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art (384)
22 川普大楼 Trump Tower (460)
23 凯利庙 Kelly Temple (352)
24 阿比西尼亚浸信会教堂 Abyssinian Baptist Church (429)
25 The Church of St. Ignatius Loyola The Church of St. Ignatius Loyola (384)