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1 大都会人寿保险公司大楼 Metropolitan Life Insurance Tower (404)
2 翠贝卡 TriBeCa (424)
3 第一大通曼哈顿广场 One Chase Manhattan Plaza (390)
4 浸会纪念教堂 Memorial Baptist Church (352)
5 Saint Paul Baptist Church Saint Paul Baptist Church (348)
6 King Jagiello Monument King Jagiello Monument (380)
7 Bethel Gospel Assembly Bethel Gospel Assembly (398)
8 纽约表演艺术公共图书馆 New York Public Library for the Performing Arts (367)
9 世贸大厦遗址博物馆工作室 Ground Zero Museum Workshop (416)
10 美洲犹太教神学院 The Jewish Theological Seminary (407)
11 贾维茨会议中心 Jacob Javits Convention Center (414)
12 Museum of the American Gangster Museum of the American Gangster (416)
13 The Troll Museum The Troll Museum (352)
14 Catinca Tabacaru Gallery Catinca Tabacaru Gallery (385)
15 特威德法院 Tweed Courthouse (363)
16 FDNY Memorial Wall FDNY Memorial Wall (373)
17 演员工作室 The Actors Studio (491)
18 Robert F. Kennedy Bridge Robert F. Kennedy Bridge (478)
19 时代广场教会 Times Square Church (436)
20 耶德逊纪念教堂 Judson Memorial Church (411)
21 Henry Urbach Architecture Henry Urbach Architecture (395)
22 第42街 42nd Street (398)
23 河岸州立公园 Riverbank State Park (419)
24 伍尔沃斯大厦 Woolworth Building (401)
25 达希斯博物馆 Dahesh Museum of Art (396)