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1 Trinity Church Cemetery & Mausoleum Trinity Church Cemetery & Mausoleum (388)
2 圣巴索罗谬教堂 St. Bartholomew's Church (427)
3 可纳历史协会 Kona Historical Society (358)
4 宝立 Bowery (384)
5 黑暗中对话 Dialog In The Dark (458)
6 斯堪的纳维亚博物馆 Scandinavia House (409)
7 福特基金会大楼 Ford Foundation Building (416)
8 莫尔公园 The Mall (420)
9 格林威尔农场 Greenwell Farms (486)
10 黑街 Alphabet City (381)
11 美洲协会 Americas Society (447)
12 Buddha's Cup Coffee Estate Buddha's Cup Coffee Estate (374)
13 玛希斯·卡瑞纪念公园 Marcus Garvey Memorial Park (361)
14 维多利亚花园 Victorian Gardens (400)
15 Kalua'aha Church Kalua'aha Church (416)
16 圣奥古斯丁教堂 Saint Augustine by-the-Sea (392)
17 纽约清真寺 The New York Mosque (430)
18 国家艺术俱乐部 The National Arts Club (372)
19 墨菲海滩 Murphy's Beach (377)
20 通用电气大楼 General Electric Building (400)
21 东村 East Village (461)
22 The Renee and Chaim Gross Foundation The Renee and Chaim Gross Foundation (447)
23 盖茨美术馆 The Gates (359)
24 Waialua Beach Waialua Beach (410)
25 哈莱姆区 Harlem (377)