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1 蓝道博物馆 Randall Museum (379)
2 伊曼努尔犹太教堂 Temple Emanu-El (354)
3 感恩而死乐队旧居 Grateful Dead House (399)
4 斯维登堡教会 Swedenborgian Church (404)
5 金沙会展中心 Sands Expo and Convention Center (430)
6 迪士尼家族博物馆 Walt Disney Family Museum (420)
7 New United States Mint New United States Mint (378)
8 新笛洋美术馆儿童艺术 Art for Children at the de Young Museum (388)
9 旧金山艺术学院 San Francisco Art Institute (352)
10 超级高塔 Sutro Tower (374)
11 Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial and Waterfall Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial and Waterfall (365)
12 海滩度假屋 Beach Chalet (381)
13 Fast Lap室内卡丁车 Fast Lap Indoor Kart Racing (399)
14 后港佳音礼拜堂 Glad Tidings Church (395)
15 ELVIS: The Exhibition ELVIS: The Exhibition (368)
16 史托湖 Stow Lake (388)
17 泰坦尼克文物展 Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition (375)
18 King Tut's Tomb and Museum King Tut's Tomb and Museum (396)
19 Walthers Acro Walthers Acro (415)
20 AT&T公园 AT&T Park (429)
21 Marjorie Barrick自然历史博物馆 Marjorie Barrick Museum of Natural History (367)
22 Grand Pacheco Stairway Grand Pacheco Stairway (362)
23 拉斯维加斯冰雪场 Las Vegas Ice Center (339)
24 Las Vegas International Scouting Museum Las Vegas International Scouting Museum (379)
25 魔法森林主题公园 Magical Forest (402)