Peacemakers Museum Peacemakers Museum  详细信息
位置:南非>豪登省>约翰内斯堡景点>> 热度(866)     评分(4.3)

Peacemakers Museum Peacemakers Museum

 Peacemakers Museum  Peacemakers Museum   -0
 Peacemakers Museum  Peacemakers Museum   -1
 Peacemakers Museum  Peacemakers Museum   -2
 Peacemakers Museum  Peacemakers Museum   -3
 Peacemakers Museum  Peacemakers Museum   -4


提示:地址:Cnr Rivonia Road and 5th Street | Nelson Mandela Square, Johannesburg 2191, South Africa
电话: +27 79 545 2703

星期一 - 星期五 上午11点00分 - 下午7点00分 星期六 - 星期日 上午11点00分 - 下午6点00分


1 Go That Way Tourist Info Centre Go That Way Tourist Info Centre (819)

2 Newlands Rugby Stadium Newlands Rugby Stadium (805)

3 Ellis Park Stadium Ellis Park Stadium (831)

4 Satyagraha House Satyagraha House (834)

5 Cool Runnings Toboggan Family Park Cool Runnings Toboggan Family Park (797)

6 Social History Center Social History Center (766)

7 Iziko William Fehr Collection at the Castle of Good Hope Iziko William Fehr Collection at the Castle of Good Hope (775)

8 Michaelis Collection at the Iziko Old Town House Michaelis Collection at the Iziko Old Town House (762)

9 Fish Hoek Mountain Fish Hoek Mountain (770)

10 Fort Goede Hoop Fort Goede Hoop (802)

11 The Pyramid Conference & Venue Centre The Pyramid Conference & Venue Centre (802)

12 James Hall Museum of Transport James Hall Museum of Transport (751)

13 Imhoff Farm Imhoff Farm (803)

14 Chavonnes Battery Museum Chavonnes Battery Museum (852)

15 Cape Town Diamond Museum Cape Town Diamond Museum (752)

16 FNB Stadium FNB Stadium (821)

17 Sanccob Western Cape - Penguin Rehabilitation Center Sanccob Western Cape - Penguin Rehabilitation Center (769)

18 起源中心 Origins Centre (984)

19 Cheetah Outreach Cheetah Outreach (977)

20 Intaka Island Intaka Island (991)

21 Table Mountain National Park Table Mountain National Park (1036)

22 Arderne Gardens Arderne Gardens (973)

23 Lwandle Migrant Labour Museum Lwandle Migrant Labour Museum (978)

24 开普敦之心博物馆 The Heart of Cape Town Museum (1058)

25 Monkey Town Primate Centre Monkey Town Primate Centre (1020)

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