Prof. Dr. Wladmir da Prussia Gomes Ferraz History Museum Prof. Dr. Wladmir da Prussia Gomes Ferraz History Museum  详细信息
位置:巴西>圣保罗州>圣保罗景点>> 热度(670)     评分(0)

Prof. Dr. Wladmir da Prussia Gomes Ferraz History Museum Prof. Dr. Wladmir da Prussia Gomes Ferraz History Museum


提示:地址:Rua Botucatu, 740 | Villa Clementino, Sao Paulo, State of Sao Paulo 4023900, Brazil


1 Museum of the Chapel of St. Michael the Archangel Museum of the Chapel of St. Michael the Archangel (692)

2 Civil Police Museum of Rio de Janeiro State Civil Police Museum of Rio de Janeiro State (722)

3 Memorial Pernambucanas Memorial Pernambucanas (721)

4 Archive Museum of Brazilian Literature Archive Museum of Brazilian Literature (685)

5 Historical Collection of Sister Beata Heinrich Historical Collection of Sister Beata Heinrich (691)

6 Militar Police Museum of the Rio de Janeiro State Militar Police Museum of the Rio de Janeiro State (752)

7 Memorial Sao Paulo Football Club Memorial Sao Paulo Football Club (748)

8 Museum of Theatres Museum of Theatres (740)

9 Prof. Carlos da Silva Lacaz History Museum Prof. Carlos da Silva Lacaz History Museum (702)

10 Mane Garrincha Sports Museum Mane Garrincha Sports Museum (669)

11 Itau Numismatica Herculano Pires Museum Itau Numismatica Herculano Pires Museum (734)

12 Literary Guild Museum Literary Guild Museum (677)

13 Museum of the Institute Adolfo Lutz Museum of the Institute Adolfo Lutz (653)

14 Chair Museum Chair Museum (676)

15 Museum of Tolerance Museum of Tolerance (669)

16 Penitenciario do Estado do Rio de Janeiro Museum Penitenciario do Estado do Rio de Janeiro Museum (697)

17 Cultural Spin - USP Cultural Spin - USP (670)

18 Army Museum of Sport Army Museum of Sport (658)

19 Memorial Space Bernardo Monteverde Memorial Space Bernardo Monteverde (692)

20 Leasowe Castle House Museum Leasowe Castle House Museum (631)

21 Cartola Cultura Center Cartola Cultura Center (716)

22 Sindimetal Memorial Center Sindimetal Memorial Center (694)

23 Museu Ciência da Terra Museu Ciencia da Terra (705)

24 Museum of the War Arsenal of Rio de Janeiro Museum of the War Arsenal of Rio de Janeiro (655)

25 Farmacia Antonio Lago Museum Farmacia Antonio Lago Museum (633)

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