Blockhouse Point Lighthouse Blockhouse Point Lighthouse  详细信息
位置:加拿大>夏洛特镇景点>>> 热度(690)     评分(4)

Blockhouse Point Lighthouse Blockhouse Point Lighthouse


提示:地址:Blockhouse Road | Rocky Point, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island C0A 1H2, Canada
电话: 902-368-4000


1 St. Dunstan's Basilica St. Dunstan's Basilica (721)

2 St. Peter's Anglican Cathedral St. Peter's Anglican Cathedral (708)

3 Mississauga Central Library Mississauga Central Library (675)

4 Bradley Museum Bradley Museum (667)

5 Cataraqui Cemetery Cataraqui Cemetery (697)

6 Thomas McCulloch Museum Thomas McCulloch Museum (695)

7 RiverBrink Art Museum RiverBrink Art Museum (665)

8 Niagara Pumphouse Visual Art Centre Niagara Pumphouse Visual Art Centre (692)

9 Sir Sandford Fleming Park Trail Sir Sandford Fleming Park Trail (659)

10 Mackenzie Printery & Newspaper Museum Mackenzie Printery & Newspaper Museum (673)

11 Scotiabank Centre Scotiabank Centre (648)

12 Queenston Heights Park Queenston Heights Park (664)

13 St. Mark's Anglican Church St. Mark's Anglican Church (717)

14 尼加拉公园休闲步道 Niagara Parks Garden Trail (742)

15 St. Vincent De Paul Church St. Vincent De Paul Church (723)

16 The Museum of the Paranormal The Museum of the Paranormal (689)

17 Holy Trinity Anglican Church Holy Trinity Anglican Church (681)

18 Minolta Tower Centre Minolta Tower Centre (652)

19 Bruce D. Campbell Farm & Food Discovery Centre Bruce D. Campbell Farm & Food Discovery Centre (662)

20 Historical Museum of St. James-Assiniboia Historical Museum of St. James-Assiniboia (700)

21 大西洋海事博物馆 Maritime Museum of the Atlantic (749)

22 Maugher Beach Lighthouse Maugher Beach Lighthouse (712)

23 Discovery Centre Discovery Centre (683)

24 Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History (641)

25 Manitoba Planetarium & Science Gallery Manitoba Planetarium & Science Gallery (710)

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