Saskatchewan Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum Saskatchewan Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum  详细信息
位置:加拿大>萨斯喀彻温>Battleford景点>> 热度(743)     评分(3)

Saskatchewan Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum Saskatchewan Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum


提示:地址:292 - 22nd Street, Battleford, Saskatchewan S0M 0E0, Canada
电话: (306) 446-1983

星期一 - 星期五 上午9点00分 - 下午4点00分


1 Le Havre de Berthier-sur-Mer, Marina Le Havre de Berthier-sur-Mer, Marina (705)

2 Musee du Coquillage (shell museum) Musee du Coquillage (shell museum) (701)

3 Kinosao Trail Kinosao Trail (675)

4 Tisdale & District Museum Tisdale & District Museum (710)

5 Saint Louis de Gonzague Church Saint Louis de Gonzague Church (754)

6 Galloway Station Museum and Travel Centre Galloway Station Museum and Travel Centre (634)

7 Richibucto Visitor Information Centre Richibucto Visitor Information Centre (697)

8 Trekcetera Museum Trekcetera Museum (698)

9 Chocolate Museum Chocolate Museum (704)

10 Redcliff Historical & Museum Society Redcliff Historical & Museum Society (685)

11 Charlotte County Museum Charlotte County Museum (665)

12 Redcliff Aquatic Center Redcliff Aquatic Center (672)

13 Bibliotheque Dentinger Library Bibliotheque Dentinger Library (671)

14 Prairie West Historical Centre Prairie West Historical Centre (668)

15 Vulcan and District Museum Vulcan and District Museum (675)

16 The Fort (Museum of the North West Mounted Police) The Fort (Museum of the North West Mounted Police) (716)

17 Marache Point Lighthouse Marache Point Lighthouse (646)

18 Chelton Beach Provincial Park Chelton Beach Provincial Park (669)

19 L.M. Montgomery Lower Bedeque School L.M. Montgomery Lower Bedeque School (648)

20 Alberton Museum Alberton Museum (661)

21 Northport Range Rear Lighthouse Northport Range Rear Lighthouse (714)

22 William E. deGarthe Memorial Monument William E. deGarthe Memorial Monument (713)

23 Peggy's Cove Lighthouse Peggy's Cove Lighthouse (708)

24 Forest-Lambton Museum Forest-Lambton Museum (645)

25 Musquodoboit Railway Museum Musquodoboit Railway Museum (656)

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