Freedom Flight School Freedom Flight School  详细信息
位置:加拿大>不列颠哥伦比亚>奥卡纳根谷>> 热度(669)     评分(3)

Freedom Flight School Freedom Flight School


提示:地址:249 Mabel Lake Road | Freedom Flight Park, Lumby, British Columbia V0E2G5, Canada
水上运动 户外运动 观景台
游玩时间: 建议2-3小时
电话: +1 250-307-7553

星期日 - 星期六 上午8点00分 - 下午8点00分


1 Greenwood Museum Greenwood Museum (676)

2 Agassiz Harrison Museum Agassiz Harrison Museum (703)

3 Hillsborough River Eco-Centre Hillsborough River Eco-Centre (664)

4 Lake Winnipeg Visitor Centre Lake Winnipeg Visitor Centre (674)

5 The New Iceland Heritage Museum The New Iceland Heritage Museum (661)

6 Petite Ile au Marteau Lighthouse Petite Ile au Marteau Lighthouse (669)

7 Bathurst Heritage Museum Bathurst Heritage Museum (719)

8 Estevan Art Gallery & Museum Estevan Art Gallery & Museum (667)

9 Flintabbaty Flonatin Statue Flintabbaty Flonatin Statue (689)

10 Flin Flon Station Museum Flin Flon Station Museum (643)

11 Deer Island Point Lighthouse Deer Island Point Lighthouse (690)

12 Leonardville Lighthouse Leonardville Lighthouse (746)

13 Nose Creek Valley Museum Nose Creek Valley Museum (685)

14 Campbellton Range Rear Lighthouse Campbellton Range Rear Lighthouse (713)

15 Gardens of Hope Gardens of Hope (710)

16 Brooks and District Museum Brooks and District Museum (714)

17 Bathurst War Museum Bathurst War Museum (665)

18 Grimshaw Visitor Information Centre Grimshaw Visitor Information Centre (635)

19 Innisfail Historical Village Innisfail Historical Village (639)

20 Glasgow Glen Farm Glasgow Glen Farm (651)

21 Sally's Beach Provincial Park Sally's Beach Provincial Park (655)

22 Western Counties Military Museum Western Counties Military Museum (675)

23 St. Peters Harbour Lighthouse St. Peters Harbour Lighthouse (681)

24 Fisherman's Life Museum Fisherman's Life Museum (668)

25 Old Meeting House Museum Old Meeting House Museum (646)

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