Waterloo Region Museum Waterloo Region Museum  详细信息
位置:加拿大>安大略省>滑铁卢区>> 热度(630)     评分(4)

Waterloo Region Museum Waterloo Region Museum


提示:地址:10 Huron Road, Kitchener, Ontario N2P 2R7, Canada
电话: +1 519-748-1914
官方网站: http://www.waterlooregionmuseum.com/-a_urlKey.61f6f2fdK18445KKb.html

星期一 - 星期五 上午9点30分 - 下午5点00分 星期六 - 星期日 上午11点00分 - 下午5点00分


1 Historic St. Paul's Lutheran Church Historic St. Paul's Lutheran Church (522)

2 Happy Rolph's Bird Sanctuary Happy Rolph's Bird Sanctuary (614)

3 Lakeside Park Beach Lakeside Park Beach (548)

4 British Methodist Episcopal Church British Methodist Episcopal Church (589)

5 The Den - Jasper's Wildlife Museum The Den - Jasper's Wildlife Museum (546)

6 St. Catharines Museum and Welland Canals Centre at Lock 3 St. Catharines Museum and Welland Canals Centre at Lock 3 (594)

7 Jasper-Yellowhead Museum & Archives Jasper-Yellowhead Museum & Archives (558)

8 Peel Art Gallery Museum & Archive (PAMA) Peel Art Gallery Museum & Archive (PAMA) (556)

9 (536)

10 Meadowvale Cemetery Meadowvale Cemetery (542)

11 St. Paul's United Church St. Paul's United Church (605)

12 Heart Lake Conservation Area Heart Lake Conservation Area (559)

13 Powerade Centre Powerade Centre (581)

14 Outaouais Mosque Outaouais Mosque (569)

15 (525)

16 Meech Lake Meech Lake (537)

17 International Buddhist Society (Buddhist Temple) International Buddhist Society (Buddhist Temple) (622)

18 Thrangu Monastery Thrangu Monastery (578)

19 Steveston Heritage Fishing Village Steveston Heritage Fishing Village (616)

20 Ecomusee de Hull Ecomusee de Hull (573)

21 6Pack Indoor Beach Centre 6Pack Indoor Beach Centre (571)

22 Grey & Simcoe Foresters Regimental Museum Grey & Simcoe Foresters Regimental Museum (573)

23 威尔士王妃剧院 Princess of Wales Theatre (645)

24 四季演艺中心 Four Seasons Center for the Performing Arts (620)

25 (532)

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