1 蓝角 Blue Corner (1528)
2 日军沉船遗址 Sea Break (1351)
3 新断层 New Drop-off (1499)
4 KB大桥 K.B Bridge (2408)
5 鲸鱼岛 Whale Island (1474)
6 总统府 Palau National Capital (1564)
7 玫瑰珊瑚 Palau Rose Coral (2050)
8 乌龙水道 Ulong Channel (1793)
9 七十群岛 Ngerukewid Islands (2129)
10 蓝色珊瑚礁 Blue Coral Reef (1696)
11 美人鱼水道 Dugong Channel (1416)
12 艾普森博物馆 Etpison Museum (1314)
13 帕劳国家公园 Ngaremeduu Bay Conservation (1377)
14 帕劳群岛 The Republic of Palau (18337)
15 帕劳国际珊瑚礁中心 Palau International Coral Reef Center (1432)
16 Kepirohi Waterfall Kepirohi Waterfall (990)
17 Mbonege Beach Mbonege Beach (1037)
18 Majuro Bridge Majuro Bridge (966)
19 Maire Nui Botanical Gardens Maire Nui Botanical Gardens (997)
20 Black Rock Beach and Nikao Social Centre Black Rock Beach and Nikao Social Centre (999)
21 Te Vara Nui Village Te Vara Nui Village (992)
22 Cook Island Christian Church (CICC) Cook Island Christian Church (CICC) (1097)
23 Ene'io Botanical Garden Ene'io Botanical Garden (1534)
24 自由卫斯理教堂 Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga (1571)
25 汤加皇宫 Royal Palace of Tonga (1539)