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1 亚力山大麦凯地质博物馆 Alexander Mckay Geological Museum (809)
2 皮特街卫理公会教堂 Pitt Street Methodist Church (755)
3 第一个圣安德鲁的长老会教堂 The First Presbyterian Church of Saint Andrew (798)
4 浸信会教堂 The Baptist Tabernacle (777)
5 Lopdell House美术馆 Lopdell House Gallery (802)
6 Vaughan Homestead Vaughan Homestead (789)
7 霍顿湾 Houghton Bay (815)
8 Worser湾 Worser Bay (731)
9 莱特山 Wright's Hill (791)
10 斯迪克斯河 Styx River (788)
11 怀麦里海滩 Waimairi Beach (817)
12 维多利亚湖 Victoria Lake (777)
13 格瑞林 Grey Lynn (781)
14 Godley Head Godley Head (760)
15 钻石港 Diamond Harbour (782)
16 Unitarian教堂 Auckland Unitarian Church (782)
17 Cashmere Stream Cashmere Stream (709)
18 瓶湖森林 Bottle Lake Forest (778)
19 Abberley Gardens Abberley Gardens (745)
20 奥克兰佛教中心 Auckland Buddhist Centre (768)
21 火山口步行道 Crater Rim Walkway (781)
22 阿塔土克纪念碑 Ataturk Memorial (742)
23 安特林之屋 Antrim House (772)
24 City New Life Church City New Life Church (744)
25 萨姆那海滩 Sumner Beach (749)