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1 Reach Out for Christ Reach Out for Christ (610)
2 图旺公墓 Toowong Cemetery (567)
3 Sullivan's Cove Sullivan's Cove (597)
4 Tasman Bridge Tasman Bridge (599)
5 Centenary Lakes Botanic Gardens Centenary Lakes Botanic Gardens (574)
6 老阿德莱德监狱 Adelaide Gaol (600)
7 库塔山瞭望台 Mount Coot-tha Lookout (699)
8 布里斯班摩天轮 Wheel of Brisbane (601)
9 布里斯班麦克阿瑟纪念馆 MacArthur Museum Brisbane (599)
10 Infinity Attraction Infinity Attraction (587)
11 Tasmanian Distillery and Museum Tasmanian Distillery and Museum (598)
12 圣戴维大教堂 St. David's Cathedral (582)
13 圣约瑟夫天主教堂 St Joseph's Catholic Church (588)
14 Wattle Park Uniting Church Wattle Park Uniting Church (598)
15 St Peter's Lutheran Church St Peter's Lutheran Church (586)
16 塔斯马尼亚交通博物馆 Tasmanian Transport Museum (601)
17 Sub-Antarctic Plant House Sub-Antarctic Plant House (658)
18 Allport Library and Museum of Fine Arts Allport Library and Museum of Fine Arts (612)
19 Runnymede House Runnymede House (557)
20 塔斯马尼亚大学 University of Tasmania (582)
21 Mount Nelson Lookout Mount Nelson Lookout (575)
22 萨拉曼卡艺术中心 Salamanca Arts Centre (582)
23 桑迪湾 Sandy Bay (553)
24 Rosedown Gardens Rosedown Gardens (572)
25 北霍巴特 North Hobart (593)