1 Mary Mackillop Heritage Centre Mary Mackillop Heritage Centre (530)
2 新港海滩 Newport Beach (534)
3 绿点保护区 Green Point Reserve (561)
4 悉尼音乐学院 Sydney Conservatorium of Music (563)
5 墨尔本坦克博物馆 Melbourne Tank Museum (546)
6 小悉立斯湾 Sirius Cove (598)
7 Val's sculpture art studio Val's sculpture art studio (480)
8 圣基尔达儿童游乐园 St Kilda Adventure Playground (545)
9 墨尔本海洋博物馆-海运博物馆之家 Polly Woodside - Melbourne's Tall Ship Story (505)
10 St Thomas Becket Church St Thomas Becket Church (562)
11 国家澳宝收藏馆 The National Opal Collection (518)
12 Hawthorne Canal Reserve Hawthorne Canal Reserve (509)
13 格兰杰博物馆 Grainger Museum (510)
14 Tasma Terrace Gift Shop and Gallery Tasma Terrace Gift Shop and Gallery (505)
15 杰西街全国妇女图书馆 Jessie Street National Women's Library (566)
16 Mu-Meson Archives Mu-Meson Archives (488)
17 约翰斯通斯瞭望台 Johnstons Lookout (499)
18 中英花园海滩 Middle Park Beach (577)
19 Hillsong Church Hillsong Church (501)
20 护士小巷 Nurses Walk (489)
21 温室购物中心 Glasshouse Shopping Centre (491)
22 Princes Park Princes Park (488)
23 布雷特·怀特利工作室博物馆 Brett Whiteley Studio Museum (529)
24 比尔戈拉海滩 Bilgola Beach (524)
25 奥本加里波利清真寺 Auburn Gallipoli Mosque (534)