Potters Tower Potters Tower  详细信息
位置:罗马尼亚>Transylvania>锡比乌景点>> 热度(1360)     评分(4)

Potters Tower Potters Tower


提示:地址:Strada Cetatii, Sibiu, Romania


1 Haaz Rezso Museum Haaz Rezso Museum (937)

2 St. Mina Orthodox Church St. Mina Orthodox Church (929)

3 Museum of National History and Archeology Museum of National History and Archeology (985)

4 Folk Art Museum (Muzeul de Arta Populara) Folk Art Museum (Muzeul de Arta Populara) (937)

5 Saints Paul and Peter Cathedral Saints Paul and Peter Cathedral (951)

6 Saint Andrew's Cave Monastery Saint Andrew's Cave Monastery (902)

7 Romanian Navy Museum Romanian Navy Museum (913)

8 Biserica ortodoxa Schimbarea la Fata Biserica ortodoxa Schimbarea la Fata (885)

9 Ion Jalea Museum of Sculpture Ion Jalea Museum of Sculpture (892)

10 Tropaeum Traiani Monument Tropaeum Traiani Monument (898)

11 The Natural Sciences Museum Complex The Natural Sciences Museum Complex (937)

12 Cocos Monastery Cocos Monastery (895)

13 The Danube Delta Museum The Danube Delta Museum (877)

14 Saon Monastery Saon Monastery (925)

15 Muzeul de Etnografie Si Arta Populara - Tulcea / Ethnographic and Folk Art Museum - Tulcea Muzeul de Etnografie Si Arta Populara - Tulcea / Ethnographic and Folk Art Museum - Tulcea (912)

16 Metropolitan Cathedral Metropolitan Cathedral (920)

17 Monumentul eroilor / Monument to the heroes Monumentul eroilor / Monument to the heroes (947)

18 Water Castle Water Castle (902)

19 Muzeul Regiunii Portilor de Fier / Iron Gates Museum Muzeul Regiunii Portilor de Fier / Iron Gates Museum (864)

20 Trajan's Bridge Trajan's Bridge (908)

21 The Union Museum The Union Museum (871)

22 Cetatuia Monastery Cetatuia Monastery (1333)

23 Galata Monastery Galata Monastery (920)

24 'Mihai Codreanu' Memorial House - 'the Sonnet Villa' 'Mihai Codreanu' Memorial House - 'the Sonnet Villa' (867)

25 Golia Monastery Golia Monastery (876)

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