Maribor Cathedral Bell Tower Maribor Cathedral Bell Tower  详细信息
位置:斯洛文尼亚>马里博尔景点>>> 热度(1532)     评分(4)

Maribor Cathedral Bell Tower Maribor Cathedral Bell Tower


提示:地址:Slomskov trg, Maribor 2000, Slovenia
观景台 教堂


1 Piramida (Pyramid Hill) Piramida (Pyramid Hill) (1548)

2 The National Liberation Museum Maribor (Muzej narodne osvoboditve Maribor ) The National Liberation Museum Maribor (Muzej narodne osvoboditve Maribor ) (1479)

3 Maribor Cathedral (Church of St John the Baptist) Maribor Cathedral (Church of St John the Baptist) (1582)

4 Regional Museum Maribor Regional Museum Maribor (1537)

5 Botanical Garden of University of Maribor Botanical Garden of University of Maribor (1551)

6 Museum of Dolenjska Museum of Dolenjska (1544)

7 Municipial Museum of Radovljica Municipial Museum of Radovljica (1549)

8 Sivec House Gallery Sivec House Gallery (1456)

9 Tolmin Gorge Tolmin Gorge (1426)

10 Budnar's Museum House Budnar's Museum House (1438)

11 The Dobrovo Castle The Dobrovo Castle (1492)

12 Pocar Farm Pocar Farm (1449)

13 Slovenian Alpine Museum Slovenian Alpine Museum (1536)

14 Notranjska museum Postojna Notranjska museum Postojna (1604)

15 Murska Sobota Regional Museum Murska Sobota Regional Museum (1520)

16 Ptuj Castle (Ptujski Grad) Ptuj Castle (Ptujski Grad) (1549)

17 Sveta Gora (Holy Mountain) Sveta Gora (Holy Mountain) (1533)

18 Susec Waterfall Susec Waterfall (1542)

19 Magical World of Shells Museum Magical World of Shells Museum (1530)

20 波贾马城堡 Predjama Castle (1568)

21 斯科契扬溶洞 kocjan Caves (1621)

22 执政官宫殿 Praetorian Palace (1601)

23 塔尔蒂尼故居 Tartini House (1447)

24 海底活动博物馆 Museum of Underwater Activities (1558)

25 谢尔盖马舍拉海事博物馆 Sergej Maera Maritime Museum / Museo del mare Sergej Maera (1459)

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