Norwegian Nobel Institute Norwegian Nobel Institute  详细信息
位置:挪威>奥斯陆景点>>> 热度(817)     评分(4)

Norwegian Nobel Institute Norwegian Nobel Institute

 Norwegian Nobel Institute  Norwegian Nobel Institute   -0
 Norwegian Nobel Institute  Norwegian Nobel Institute   -1
 Norwegian Nobel Institute  Norwegian Nobel Institute   -2


提示:地址:Drammensveien 19, Oslo 0255, Norway 电话: 47 22 12 93 00


1 Hoeyesterett (Supreme Court) Hoeyesterett (Supreme Court) (759)

2 Old Aker Church Old Aker Church (864)

3 Oslo Theater Museum (Teatermuseet i Oslo) Oslo Theater Museum (Teatermuseet i Oslo) (813)

4 Tryvann's Tower (Tryvannstarnet) Tryvann's Tower (Tryvannstarnet) (774)

5 The Norwegian Parliament The Norwegian Parliament (842)

6 International Children's Art Museum International Children's Art Museum (788)

7 Leprosy Museum Leprosy Museum (768)

8 Botanical Gardens (Botanisk Hage og Museum) Botanical Gardens (Botanisk Hage og Museum) (753)

9 Gamle Bergen Museum - Bymuseet i Bergen Gamle Bergen Museum - Bymuseet i Bergen (789)

10 Bergenhus Festning Bergenhus Festning (869)

11 Bygdoy Peninsula Bygdoy Peninsula (859)

12 The Royal Residence (Gamlehaugen) The Royal Residence (Gamlehaugen) (831)

13 Damsgaard Manor - Bymuseet i Bergen Damsgaard Manor - Bymuseet i Bergen (846)

14 National Museum - Museum of Contemporary Art National Museum - Museum of Contemporary Art (825)

15 布吕根海尼赛提克码头 Bryggen Hanseatic Wharf (1362)

16 特罗豪根葛利格博物馆 Troldhaugen Edvard Grieg Museum (917)

17 Mount Ulriken Mount Ulriken (923)

18 Mount Floyen and the Funicular (Floibanen) Mount Floyen and the Funicular (Floibanen) (963)

19 Armed Forces Museum Armed Forces Museum (887)

20 阿肯修弗斯城堡与要塞(Akershus Slott og Festning) Akershus Castle and Fortress (Akershus Slott og Festning) (1021)

21 玛利道斯湖 Maridalsvannet (1542)

22 霍尔门考伦山 (894)

23 霍尔门科伦滑雪博物馆和滑雪跳塔 Holmenkollen Ski Museum and Ski Jump Tower (922)

24 诺德奥木板教堂 Røldal stavkirke (941)

25 特隆赫姆植物园 Ringve Botanical Gardens (900)

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