The Church of St. Peter the Metropolitan of Moscow The Church of St. Peter the Metropolitan of Moscow  详细信息
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The Church of St. Peter the Metropolitan of Moscow The Church of St. Peter the Metropolitan of Moscow


提示:地址:Romenskaya, 12, St. Petersburg 191119, Russia
电话: 7-812-7122273


1 Krasnoselskaya Holy Trinity Church Krasnoselskaya Holy Trinity Church (685)

2 The New Apostolic Church The New Apostolic Church (680)

3 Prince Vladimir Cathedral Prince Vladimir Cathedral (642)

4 The Church of St. Demetrius the Metropolitan of Rostov The Church of St. Demetrius the Metropolitan of Rostov (655)

5 Christ Church on the Neva Christ Church on the Neva (831)

6 Piskaryovskiy Church of the Annunciation Piskaryovskiy Church of the Annunciation (691)

7 Church of the Holy Apostles Peter Jolly in the Village Church of the Holy Apostles Peter Jolly in the Village (648)

8 Chapel of the Annunciation on Kuzminskoye Cemetery Chapel of the Annunciation on Kuzminskoye Cemetery (711)

9 Church of the Icon of Holy Virgin the Sign Church of the Icon of Holy Virgin the Sign (662)

10 Church of St. Nicholas and Alexandra the Mortyr Church of St. Nicholas and Alexandra the Mortyr (641)

11 Intercession Church Intercession Church (634)

12 Church of the Holy Princess Olga Church of the Holy Princess Olga (670)

13 Orthodox Church of St. John of Kronstadt Orthodox Church of St. John of Kronstadt (714)

14 Isidorovskaya Church Isidorovskaya Church (673)

15 Marble Palace Museum Marble Palace Museum (654)

16 Church of the Holy Martyrs Nicholas and Alexandra Church of the Holy Martyrs Nicholas and Alexandra (676)

17 Holy Trinity Cathedral Holy Trinity Cathedral (784)

18 Live History of Vikings Museum Live History of Vikings Museum (724)

19 Church of the Holy Martyrs Faith Church of the Holy Martyrs Faith (683)

20 Lensovet Theatre Museum Lensovet Theatre Museum (644)

21 Gate Church of the Icon of the Mother of God of All the Afflicted Gate Church of the Icon of the Mother of God of All the Afflicted (700)

22 Paleontologo-Stratigrafichesky Museum Paleontologo-Stratigrafichesky Museum (616)

23 Leningrad in the World War II Exposition Leningrad in the World War II Exposition (694)

24 Church of St. Nicholas in the Naval Hospital Church of St. Nicholas in the Naval Hospital (660)

25 Church of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God Church of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God (628)

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