Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatory Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatory  详细信息
位置:俄罗斯>西北部联邦管区>圣彼得堡景点>> 热度(556)     评分(4)

Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatory Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatory


提示:地址:Teatralnaya square, 3, St. Petersburg 190000, Russia
电话: 7-812-312-54-56
官方网站: http://www.conservatory.ru/-a_urlKey.a385143ea9831be8.html


1 Pevcheskiy (former Yellow) Bridge Pevcheskiy (former Yellow) Bridge (564)

2 GUVD Museum GUVD Museum (622)

3 City Sculpture Museum City Sculpture Museum (589)

4 Panteleimonovskiy Bridge Panteleimonovskiy Bridge (587)

5 Museum of the History of Political Police Museum of the History of Political Police (593)

6 Museum of Railway Equipment Museum of Railway Equipment (578)

7 Nikolai Palace Nikolai Palace (648)

8 Divo Ostrov Divo Ostrov (570)

9 Loft Project Floors Exhibition Hall Loft Project Floors Exhibition Hall (577)

10 Kamenny Island Kamenny Island (596)

11 Yelagin Island Yelagin Island (656)

12 Vladimir Komarov Botanical Institute Museum Vladimir Komarov Botanical Institute Museum (535)

13 Church of The Holy Righteous Simeon and Anna The Prophetess Church of The Holy Righteous Simeon and Anna The Prophetess (571)

14 Church of the St Panteleimon Church of the St Panteleimon (547)

15 Preobrazhenskoe Cemetery Preobrazhenskoe Cemetery (584)

16 Laundry Bridge Laundry Bridge (629)

17 Sheremetevskiy Palace in Museum of Music Sheremetevskiy Palace in Museum of Music (579)

18 Kirov Stadium Kirov Stadium (602)

19 Oranienbaum / Lomonosov Palace Oranienbaum / Lomonosov Palace (553)

20 Liteiny Bridge Liteiny Bridge (599)

21 Museum of Hygiene (Muzei Gigieny) Museum of Hygiene (Muzei Gigieny) (624)

22 Kirov Apartment Museum Kirov Apartment Museum (603)

23 Alexander Blok Apartment Museum Alexander Blok Apartment Museum (572)

24 Gatchina Palace and Park Gatchina Palace and Park (598)

25 Petersburg Museum of Dolls Petersburg Museum of Dolls (561)

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