K. Paustovskiy's Moscow Literary Museum Centre K. Paustovskiy's Moscow Literary Museum Centre  详细信息
位置:俄罗斯>中央联邦管区>莫斯科景点>> 热度(632)     评分(4)

K. Paustovskiy's Moscow Literary Museum Centre K. Paustovskiy's Moscow Literary Museum Centre


提示:地址:Kuzminskaya St., 8, Moscow 109472, Russia
电话: (499) 172-77-91
官方网站: http://www.mirpaustowskogo.ru


1 Vladimir Dal Apartment Museum Vladimir Dal Apartment Museum (646)

2 State Central Theatre Museum of Bahrushin State Central Theatre Museum of Bahrushin (617)

3 Alexander Blok Statue Alexander Blok Statue (673)

4 梅尔尼科夫故居 Melnikov House (678)

5 Church of the Intercession Church of the Intercession (687)

6 史黛拉艺术基金会 Stella Art Foundation (593)

7 Turgenev Library and Reading Room Turgenev Library and Reading Room (633)

8 Icons House Museum Icons House Museum (604)

9 Church of The Ascension On Bolshaya Nikitskaya Church of The Ascension On Bolshaya Nikitskaya (649)

10 Tverskaya Street (Ulitsa) Tverskaya Street (Ulitsa) (673)

11 Book Museum of The Russian State Library Book Museum of The Russian State Library (654)

12 Sergey Prokofiyev Museum Sergey Prokofiyev Museum (640)

13 Cultural Center of Zuyev Cultural Center of Zuyev (627)

14 V. Williams` Museum of Soil and Agronomy V. Williams` Museum of Soil and Agronomy (628)

15 Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul (616)

16 Central Journalist House Central Journalist House (666)

17 Russian Loan Treasury Building Russian Loan Treasury Building (624)

18 Gostorg Gostorg (638)

19 Svyazist Svyazist (615)

20 Paleontologic Museum Paleontologic Museum (692)

21 Avtovill Museum Avtovill Museum (638)

22 A. Gertsen's House Museum A. Gertsen's House Museum (559)

23 St. Anna Cathedral of Conception in Conception Convent St. Anna Cathedral of Conception in Conception Convent (624)

24 Monument to Victims of the Terrorist Attack in Beslan Monument to Victims of the Terrorist Attack in Beslan (623)

25 Jaeger Pond Jaeger Pond (617)

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