Vnukovo Airport Public Museum of Battle and Labor Glory Vnukovo Airport Public Museum of Battle and Labor Glory  详细信息
位置:俄罗斯>中央联邦管区>莫斯科景点>> 热度(590)     评分(1)

Vnukovo Airport Public Museum of Battle and Labor Glory Vnukovo Airport Public Museum of Battle and Labor Glory


提示:地址:Vnukovskaya Bolshaya ul., d. 6, Moscow 119027, Russia
电话: (495) 7362376
官方网站: http://WWW.DKVNUKOVO.RU


1 Trinity Temple in Nikitniki Trinity Temple in Nikitniki (620)

2 Novaya Liga Novaya Liga (563)

3 Monument to Sergei Mikhalkov Monument to Sergei Mikhalkov (578)

4 Church of The Holy Cosmas and Damian Church of The Holy Cosmas and Damian (599)

5 Chapel at the Church of Vladimir Icon of Our Lady Chapel at the Church of Vladimir Icon of Our Lady (609)

6 White Houses White Houses (573)

7 The Vodka Museum The Vodka Museum (622)

8 Timiryazev's Memorial Museum-Apartment Timiryazev's Memorial Museum-Apartment (613)

9 Megasport Megasport (639)

10 Holy Apostolic Assyrian Church of the East Collegiate Holy Apostolic Assyrian Church of the East Collegiate (616)

11 State Museum of Tolstoy State Museum of Tolstoy (571)

12 Temple of St. Vladimir in the Old Gardens Temple of St. Vladimir in the Old Gardens (585)

13 Monument to Vorovsky Monument to Vorovsky (599)

14 Meshherskoye Meshherskoye (600)

15 Kuskovo Estate Kuskovo Estate (630)

16 Lenin Statue at VDNKh Lenin Statue at VDNKh (724)

17 Scientific and Art Museum of Horse Breeding Scientific and Art Museum of Horse Breeding (628)

18 Shhusev State Architecture Museum Shhusev State Architecture Museum (647)

19 Church of the Holy Prophet Elijah Church of the Holy Prophet Elijah (592)

20 Old Believer Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross Old Believer Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (684)

21 Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin in Sokolniki Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin in Sokolniki (593)

22 Orthodox Church of the Nine Kyzikos Martyrs Orthodox Church of the Nine Kyzikos Martyrs (613)

23 Monument to Miguel de Cervantes Monument to Miguel de Cervantes (623)

24 Epiphany Cathedral Epiphany Cathedral (583)

25 Museum of Industrial Culture Museum of Industrial Culture (592)

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