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1 auride 花园 Tauride Palace (700)
2 犹太博物馆与宽容中心 Jewish Museum and tolerance center (727)
3 装饰应用与民间艺术博物馆 Museum of decorative-applied and folk art (705)
4 航天纪念博物馆 Memorial Museum of cosmonautics (720)
5 国立布尔加科夫博物馆 the State Museum Of Mikhail Bulgakov (714)
6 上彼得修道院 High-Petrovsky monastery (699)
7 莫斯科动物园 Moscow Zoo (777)
8 高尔基故居博物馆 Memorial Museum-apartment of A. M. Gorky (713)
9 叶赛宁博物馆 the Museum of Esenin Museum (705)
10 马雅可夫斯基博物馆 the Museum of V. V. Mayakovsky (813)
11 莱蒙托夫故居博物馆 House-museum of M. L. Lermontov (763)
12 莫斯科当代艺术博物馆(主馆) Moscow Museum of Modern Art (760)
13 廖里赫博物馆 The Museum named after N. K. Roerich (1920)
14 G点情色艺术与性爱博物馆 Museum of erotic art and sex "Point G" (955)
15 剧院广场 Theatre Square (864)
16 巴赫鲁申戏剧博物馆 Theatre Museum named after A. A. Bakhrushin (905)
17 革命广场 Ploshchad Revolyutsii(revolution square) (885)
18 Kva-Kva水上世界 Kva-Kva Water Park (869)
19 帝国艺术学院 Russian Academy of Art (1003)
20 马涅什广场 Manezhnaya Square (926)
21 索契历史博物馆 Muzey Istorii Goroda-Kurorta Sochi( The Museum of the city of Sochi) (913)
22 阿洪山 Mount Akhun (944)
23 指挥官之家 Commandant’s House (912)
24 Manege中央展览馆 Central Exhibition Hall “Manege” (870)
25 尤苏波夫宫 Yusupovskiy Dvorets (899)