1 White Scar Cave White Scar Cave (259)
2 Artsmill Hebden Bridge Artsmill Hebden Bridge (298)
3 库克船长雕像 Captain Cook Monument (311)
4 鲸鱼颌骨拱门 Whalebone Arch (324)
5 惠特比修道院 Whitby Abbey (337)
6 牛津大学哈考特植物园 The University of Oxford Harcourt Arboretum (275)
7 牛津互联网研究所 Oxford Internet Institute (283)
8 克利弗·S·刘易斯自然保护区 CS Lewis Community Nature Reserve (273)
9 圣三一教堂黑丁顿采石场 Holy Trinity Church Headington Quarry (399)
10 门廊博物馆 Portico Library (315)
11 克利弗·S·刘易斯故居 C. S. Lewis House (296)
12 克莱顿大厅博物馆 Clayton Hall Museum (292)
13 Parsonage Gardens Parsonage Gardens (276)
14 圣约翰花园 St. John's Gardens (282)
15 兴奋游戏 Exciting Game (300)
16 布朗黑尔乡村中心 Brownhill Countryside Centre (289)
17 爱尔兰世界遗产中心 Irish World Heritage Centre (304)
18 Chetham's Library Chetham's Library (307)
19 曼彻斯特学院 Manchester Academy (305)
20 Granada Studios Granada Studios (306)
21 卡萨姆体育场 Kassam Stadium (283)
22 Manchester Greyhound Stadium Belle Vue Manchester Greyhound Stadium Belle Vue (308)
23 林肯雕像 Abraham Lincoln Statue (269)
24 维多利亚浴场 Victoria Baths (319)
25 Oxford Greyhound Stadium Oxford Greyhound Stadium (280)