Frissiras Museum Frissiras Museum  详细信息
位置:希腊>阿提卡>雅典景点>> 热度(715)     评分(4.5)

Frissiras Museum Frissiras Museum


提示:地址:3 & 7 Monis Asteriou | Plaka, Athens 105 58, Greece
美术馆 博物馆
游玩时间: 建议1-2小时
电话: +30 21 0323 4678

星期三 - 星期五 上午10点00分 - 下午5点00分 星期六 - 星期日 上午11点00分 - 下午5点00分


1 Sotira Lykodimou Church (Russian Church) Sotira Lykodimou Church (Russian Church) (700)

2 Dodecanese Home Museum Dodecanese Home Museum (698)

3 Postal & Philatelic Museum Postal & Philatelic Museum (685)

4 Great Mitropolis (Athens Cathedral) Great Mitropolis (Athens Cathedral) (718)

5 Greek Evangelical Church Greek Evangelical Church (714)

6 Athens City Museum Athens City Museum (753)

7 Touch Museum Touch Museum (720)

8 Keramikos Cemetery Keramikos Cemetery (711)

9 Museum of Greek Children's Art Museum of Greek Children's Art (708)

10 Tzisdarakis Mosque Tzisdarakis Mosque (696)

11 Exile Museum Exile Museum (714)

12 A. Lentakis Foundation of Culture and Education A. Lentakis Foundation of Culture and Education (655)

13 Kolonaki Kolonaki (748)

14 Museum of Pavlos and Alexandra Kanellopoulos Museum of Pavlos and Alexandra Kanellopoulos (705)

15 Museum and Study Centre of Greek Theatre Museum and Study Centre of Greek Theatre (685)

16 Little Mitropolis Church (Panayia Gorgoepikoos and Agios Eleftherios) Little Mitropolis Church (Panayia Gorgoepikoos and Agios Eleftherios) (705)

17 Museum of Eleftherios Venizelos Museum of Eleftherios Venizelos (702)

18 Parliament Building (Vouli) Parliament Building (Vouli) (738)

19 St Paul's Anglican (Episcopal) Church St Paul's Anglican (Episcopal) Church (704)

20 Museum of Greek Scouting Museum of Greek Scouting (725)

21 National Museum of Contemporary Art National Museum of Contemporary Art (721)

22 Hymettus Hymettus (715)

23 Mnemossyne Gallery Mnemossyne Gallery (657)

24 Skaros岩石 Skaros Rock (715)

25 艾米利大圣堂 Basilica Aemilia (688)

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